Cottage on the Niemisjärvi lake. The cottage has two rooms, a kitchen and a living room. In the living room sleeps five, two bunk beds and one single bed. Basic heating is provided by electricity, in addition, heat can be increased with a fireplace. Outdoor toilet and wood storage in the yard. A boat for cottage customer use is on the beach. Next door is a beach sauna that is shared with the neighboring cottage. There is no running water in the cottage. Dishes can be washed in the sauna building. The beach sauna has a fireplace room, a kitchen recess, a washroom and an electrically heated sauna. Sauna in Niemistupa every day from 18:00 to 20:00. The customer heats the sauna himself. Pier on the shore of the beach sauna. Please note that this cabin is not cleaned or inspected after each user. The customer takes care of the cleaning. If you notice any deficiencies, contact the Pikku-Apaja staff. Fishing in Niemisjärvi always requires a permit. Permits are sold at Pikku-Apaja kiosk (open at summer season) or