ATTENTION, confirm the booking status and price by calling 0400654755 because due to the updates of the online cottage, the booking calendar may show you exactly what happens! A year-round villa in a dream location on Tarhavesi's evening sun beach + beach sauna with amenities and municipal technology. The plot is almost 2ha and its own coastline is about 240m. The main building is technically valid and has also been approved for permanent use. The main building and the beach sauna are not ashamed of the new, a thorough renovation has been carried out in recent years. The farm's beach sauna will not leave anyone cold who likes to admire the lake scenery while enjoying the steam, the views of the lake are amazing and the proximity to the beach is immediate! There are marked boat routes from Tarhavesi to other big lakes about 80km, there is also good road access and few side roads. In the main building air heat pump with cooling function. Use of a rowing boat is included in the price, outboard motor available for hire for a different fee. ATTENTION, now you can also rent a mobile tub for an additional price! Hobby/Sightseeing: Miekankoski Cafe/Swimming Museum 2km, Vola Golf 5km, Koirakivi Summer Theatre 5km, Art Centre Salmela 12km, Tuokon Talli Ratsutila 20km, Tyry Winery 24km, etc. If the customer cancels the reservation, the reservation fee will not be refunded. If the reservation is canceled later than 28 days before or during the reservation, the payment made by the customer will not be refunded at all