Kelomökki Muoniossa Jerisjärven rannalla historiallisessa Keimiöniemessä. Upea alue keskellä koskemattomia tunturimaisemia ja rajattomia ulkoilumahdollisuuksia. Pallas-Yllästunturin kansallispuisto on aivan vieressä, merkittyine patikointireitteineen ja latuineen. Loistava lomakohde rauhaa ja luontoa rakastaville. Erinomainen sijainti mahdollistaa myös monenlaiset päivämatkat kaukaisemmille tuntureille tai vaikka jäämerelle. Ihana matala ja hiekkapohjainen ranta kirkasvetiseen Jerisjärveen. Tilava ja valoisa pirtti, josta järvimaisema. Ladut 20 m (alkutalvesta 3 km valaistulle ladulle) ja rinteet Pallastunturi 16 km, Olostunturi 17 km, Levi 43 km ja Ylläs 63 km.
Vuodepaikat: 1 sänky (makuuhuoneessa), 2 parisänkyä (tuvassa, 120 cm leveitä), parvella 2 runkopatjaa sekä kaksi varapatjaa. Mökin 70 m2 pinta-alan lisäksi on matala parvi, josta löytyy mm. korkeareunainen lastensänky ja syöttötuoli. Mökki on savuton. Mökistä löytyvä tiskikone on kompaktin keittiön takia pienikokoinen. Kelopää vuokrataan aina viikoksi kerrallaan, lauantaista lauantaihin. Voit myös kysyä mahdollisia vapaita lyhyempiä jaksoja sesonkiaikojen ulkopuolella. Hintaan kuuluu aina loppusiivous. Lisäpalveluna saatavana mm. lakanat 20 €/henkilö.
Varausmaksu on 25 % vuokrauksen loppusummasta. Varauslasku lähetään sähköpostitse pian varauksen teon jälkeen. Loppumaksu lähetetään myöhemmin, se erääntyy n. 5 viikkoa ennen varauksen alkamista.
Nettimökin järjestelmä mahdollistaa asiakkaalle omatoimisen varauksen peruuttamisen. Kelopään peruutusehdot ovat seuraavat. Jos asiakas peruuttaa varauksen, ei varausmaksua palauteta. Mikäli varaus peruutetaan myöhemmin kuin 28 vuorokautta ennen vuokrauksen alkua, ei asiakkaan suorittamia maksuja palauteta lainkaan. Mikäli asiakas muuttaa varausta (loman ajankohtaa, lisäpalveluja tai henkilömäärää), veloitetaan muutoskuluina 20 euroa. Muutos on tehtävä viimeistään 5 viikkoa ennen varausajankohdan alkua.
Kelopäätä huolletaan vuosittain pienin korjauksin. Keväällä 2017 on tehty kattoremontti, uusittu saunan lauteet ja hankittu parvelle kaksi runkopatjaa petauspatjoineen. Myös tuvan runkopatjat on uusittu. Mikro ja jää-pakastinkaappi on uusittu kesällä 2018 ja pihavalaistus on uusittu syksyllä 2018. Uusi Pentikin Kallio-sarjan astiasto on toimittettu Kelopäähän maaliskuussa 2019 ja kaikki mökin ikkunat on uusittu lokakuussa 2019. Liesi ja wc-istuin on uusittu vuoden 2020 aikana. Vuoden 2021 aikana on hankittu uusi saunan kiuas ja paloturvallisuussyistä poistettu rannassa ollut avotulipaikka, tulia voi pitää turvallisesti kodassa. Vuonna 2022 tupaan on hankittu nojatuolit.
Guests who are over 18 years of age can make a reservation online. After the booking notification, we will send the customer a booking fee invoice (25% of the total rental price of the cottage) to the customer's email address. The final invoice will also be sent to the customer's email. The rental price of the cottage can also be paid in full at the time of booking
.All comments relating to the invoice must be notified within 7 days of the date of the invoice.
The final invoice contains the contact details of the caretaker or owner of the cabin, as well as driving instructions to the place where the keys are handed over and to the holiday destination.
The booking is confirmed when the customer has paid the booking fee or booking fee and the final payment in one time by the due date. The reservation fee is due no later than 14 days from the date of the invoice. The final payment is due 5 weeks before the start of the holiday.
If it takes 28 days or less to start the booking, the invoice will be sent immediately and the full amount will be paid immediately.
If the customer does not process the payments on time, the cabin renter can cancel the reservation without notice.
Cancellation must always be made by email to anna.pakkanen (at) The cancellation is deemed to have occurred at the moment the message has been replied to.
If the customer cancels the reservation, the reservation fee will not be refunded. If the reservation is cancelled later than 28 days before or during the rental period, the charges made by the customer will not be refunded at all
.However, the customer is entitled to a refund of the amount paid to the tenant of the cottage, with the exception of the reservation fee, if the client himself or the person living in the shared household with him becomes seriously ill, has an accident or dies. The cancellation must be notified without delay and substantiated in a reliable manner, e.g. a medical certificate. If the cancellation occurs later than 48 hours before the start of the reservation or during the reservation, the payment made by the customer will not be reimbursed
.If the customer changes the reservation (the time of the holiday, additional services or the number of people), the renter of the cottage is entitled to charge 20 euros as the change costs incurred. The change must be made no later than 5 weeks before the start of the booking date. Changes made at a later date will be considered a cancellation of an earlier reservation and a new reservation.
The landlord's right to cancel the booking
In the event of force majeure, the landlord may cancel the reservation. In this case, the customer is entitled to a full refund of the amount paid. If the reservation is interrupted due to the customer's disruptive behavior, the charges will not
be refunded.Stay at the resort
The holiday destination is available to the customer from the day of arrival at 16:00 until the departure time at 12.00.
The holiday destination and its keys will be handed over to the customer's guardian or owner in advance, either by telephone or in writing at the estimated time of arrival. If the customer does not arrive at the indicated time or does not indicate his arrival time at all, the return of the key cannot be guaranteed
rental includes the right to use the reserved resort for the booked time. Normal energy costs, furniture, cooking and dining utensils, cutlery, mattresses, blankets and pillows are included in the price. The cabin does not have the possibility of charging an electric car or a hybrid car, the external socket can only be used for short-term block heating of the car.
Firewood, located in the wooden basket of the cottage and in the box on the terrace, is included in the rent. Dishwashing detergents, basic condiments, toilet and kitchen towels are not included in the rental price.
The tap water in the cottage is very suitable as domestic water, but may taste somewhat like iron grip. This is due to the natural iron content of Keimiöniemi
Free access to the rowing boat is included in the price.
Bed linen and towels are not included in the rent. Bed linen and towels can be ordered
at the time of booking. Thecleaning of the resort during the holiday is handled by the customer himself. Final cleaning is included in the price
.maximum occupancy of the holiday destination is the maximum number of persons indicated in the description of the resort in terms of the number of beds or the number of persons agreed upon when booking the holiday destination. Celebrations and other occasions where the number of people in the resort is temporarily exceeded must be agreed in advance with the guardian or owner
.Please note that pets should be brought to the resort at the time of booking.
Obligations of the customer and delivery of the holiday destination on the day of departure
The customer will hand over the resort and its keys at 12:00 on the day of departure, unless otherwise stated on the invoice. If the customer leaves at any other time, the transfer of the keys and the return of the security deposit must be agreed with the guardian or owner well in advance.
The customer is responsible for any damage caused to the resort. Any damage caused must be immediately reported to the guardian or owner of the resort. The customer is obliged to compensate the damage caused directly to the guardian or owner of the resort.
Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas of the resort. When leaving, the resort must be left in a tidy condition. The customer is liable to pay for the cleaning of the resort in the event that there is smoke in the resort's interior.
final cleaning included in the rental price of the cottage does not include the washing of dishes and the export of garbage. Garbage bags should be taken to collection containers located in the villages of Rauhala or Särkijärvi. In addition, the customer must take away empty bottles and cans and put
any furniture that has been moved back in place.Force majeure
The Owner shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Customer due to unforeseen force majeure or a similar cause (e.g. power outages or natural phenomena such as algae deposits, or animals such as mice and insects) which was not caused by the Owner and the consequences of which the Owner could not reasonably have prevented.
In addition, the owner is not responsible for damage or consequences caused by normal natural phenomena.
Remarks and complaints
All comments and complaints relating to the resort must be addressed directly to the owner or guardian immediately after their subject has arisen and during the booking process. If there is no repair, the customer must contact the owner or guardian within 72 hours after the issue arises.
If the issue is still not corrected, the customer can file a written complaint with the owner. This should normally be done within one month of the end of the booking. If the customer and the owner do not reach an agreement on the matter, the customer can lodge a complaint with the Consumer Disputes Board (
If the customer does not report the deficiencies he has found immediately during the rental period to the guardian or owner, the resort is considered to be in the condition in accordance with the contract. Only after the rental period, the declared deficiencies cannot be jointly established, and the owner is not liable for compensation for them
.If the customer cancels their booking and leaves the resort before the end of the rental period, no compensation will be paid for the unused time and the customer will not be entitled to a refund.
Applicable law and place of litigation
The parties seek to resolve disputes arising out of the agreement through mutual negotiations. If no agreement is reached in the negotiations, the disputes will be settled by the Helsinki District Court. The contract is governed by Finnish law.
July 2024.