Tilavassa Lumihelmessä viihdyt lomalla tai työmatkalla (8+4). Unohda autoilu. Pihasta suoraan skibussin kyytiin tai kävellen rinteisiin alle 300 m. Valaistulle Rukan ympärysreitin hiihtoladulle voit laskea suoraan pihasta! Aurinkoinen ja tasokkaasti rakennettu Lumihelmi sijaitsee Vuosselissa, itä-Rukalla. Huoneistoon majoittuu mukavasti 8-10 henkilöä. Lumihelmi on valmistunut 11/2012. Huoneiston rakennusmateriaali on lämpöhirsi ja lämmitysmuotona on maalämpö. Huoneiston viihtyvyyden ja kodikkuuden takaa yksilöllinen ja tyylikäs sisustus. Alakerrasta löytyy tilava olohuone / keittiö, kaksi makuuhuonetta, tilava kodinhoitohuone / pukuhuone, sähkösauna ja 2 x wc. Olohuoneessa on varaava takka, tv ja kotiteatterilaitteet karaokevarustein. Keittiö on varusteltu monipuolisesti. Sieltä löytyvät kauniit astiat kuten myös laadukkaat ruuanlaittovälineet, jääpakastinkaappi, astianpesukone, mikro, leivänpaahdin sekä kahvin- ja vedenkeitin. Kodinhoitohuoneesta löytyvät pyykinpesukone, kuivausrumpu sekä vaatteiden kuivauskaappi. Pesuhuoneessa on kaksi suihkua ja wc. Sauna on verhoiltu tyylikkäällä, leveällä lämpökäsitellyllä haavalla ja kiuas on upotettu lauteisiin. Parvelle johtavat portaat ovat loivat ja turvalliset myös lapsille. Turvallisuutta takaavat lapsiportit. Tilavan yläkerran vuodesohvilla on tilaa katsella televisiota, pelata pelikoneella pelejä (Xbox one) tai vain käpertyä lukemaan hyvää kirjaa. Makuuhuoneessa on kaksi runkopatjavuodetta. Kellarikerroksessa ovat suksienhuoltotilat sekä tilaa varusteiden säilytykseen. Perheen pienimmille toimitamme tilauksesta syöttötuolin, matkasängyn ja potan. Autoille on varattu katospaikan lisäksi lämmityspistokepaikkoja. Sähköauton latausaseman käyttö sisältyy hintaan. * HUOM! Erillisten ulkoaltaiden käyttö ei ole sallittua kiinteistön pihalla. Hiihto- ja lasketteluvälineiden säilytys huoneistossa sisällä ehdottomasti kielletty!! Lemmikkien tuonti Lumihelmeen ei ole sallittua. Varaus- ja maksuehdot Varaajan tulee olla täysi-ikäinen ja varaajan tulee myös majoittua huoneistossa varausaikana. Lumihelmen varauskalenteri on ajan tasalla.
Jos haluat varata Lumihelmen, laita viestiä omistajalle Yhteydenotot nopein vastaus sähköpostin info@taigaduo.fi kautta tai soittamalla.
Nettimökin lomakkeen kautta valitse vastausajaksi vähintään 2 vuorokautta!.
EI tekstiviestejä!(Ei soittopyyntöjä, mese- tai tekstiviestejä) Mökkiä ei voi varata suoraan netistä.
Loppusiivous 120,-
Liinavaatteet 15,-/hlö
Lapsivarustusta voit kysellä myös
The booking agent must be of legal age and must also stay in the apartment during the booking period.
These terms and conditions are binding on both parties after the customer has paid the prepayment or advance payment and final payment mentioned in the contract terms in one go.
The customer must pay at least an advance payment (20% of the rental price of the resort) on the due date, which is approximately two weeks after booking. The final invoice will be sent to the customer by post or email on the working day following the booking. The customer can also pay for the reservation in full
immediately.All comments relating to the invoice must be notified within 7 days of the date of the invoice. The invoice is paid as a SEPA payment (IBAN account number and bank BIC code) using the reference number
on the invoice.The invoice contains the name and contact details of the guardian or owner of the resort, as well as driving instructions to the place where the keys are handed over or to the holiday destination.
The reservation is confirmed when the customer has paid the prepayment (20% of the rental price of the resort) by the due date or the prepayment and final payment in one go. The final payment will be paid no later than four (4) weeks before
the start of the holiday.If the reservation starts from 7 to 49 days (1-7 weeks), the full amount will be paid at once and the invoice must be paid no later than one week after the date of the invoice.
Cancellation and modification of a reservation
The cancellation must always be made in writing (by letter to KoY Taigaduon Lumihelmi, Valtaimenkuja 26, 30100 FORSSA or by fax to 040 55 15 148 or by e-mail to info@taigaduo.fi). The cancellation shall be deemed to have taken place at the moment when the notification of the cancellation has been received in KOy Taigaduo. A cancellation announced outside office hours (8.30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on weekdays) is deemed to have occurred
on the next business day.If the customer cancels the reservation, the prepayment will not be refunded. If the reservation is cancelled later than 28 days before or during the rental period, the charges made by the customer will not be refunded at all
.Notwithstanding the foregoing, the customer shall be entitled to a refund of the amount paid to KoY Taigaduo, with the exception of the advance payment, if the customer himself or a person living together with him becomes seriously ill, suffers an accident or dies. The cancellation must be notified without delay and the matter must be addressed to KoY Taigaduo in a reliable manner, e.g. a medical certificate
.If the cancellation occurs later than 48 hours before the start of the reservation or during the reservation, the payment made by the customer will not be reimbursed.
KOy Taigaduo's right to cancel a booking
In case of force majeure, KoY Taigaduo may cancel the booking. In this case, the customer is entitled to a full refund of the amount paid. If the booking has to be interrupted due to the customer's disruptive behaviour, the charges will not be refunded
.If the customer does not process payments on time,
KoY Taigaduo may cancel the booking without notice.
Stay at the resort
Therental includes the right to use the reserved resort for the booked time. Normal energy costs, furniture, cooking and dining utensils, cutlery, mattresses, blankets and pillows are included. Firewood is included in the rent. Bed linen and towels are not included in the rental unless otherwise stated in the description of the resort. The client must wear sheets. Bed linen and towels can be ordered
at the time of booking. Themaximum occupancy of the holiday destination is the maximum number of persons indicated in the description of the resort in terms of the number of beds or the number of persons agreed upon when booking the holiday destination. Celebrations and other occasions where the number of people in the resort is temporarily exceeded must be agreed in advance with the guardian or owner
.It is not allowed to import pets into the destination!
Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas of the resort!
Tent and caravan or rental equipment (e.g. bath tub)
use on the territory of the resort is prohibited.
Obligations of the customer
The client hands over the resort and its keys on the day of departure at 12.00. The key is left in the keyhole when leaving. The customer is responsible for any damage caused to the resort. Any damage caused must be immediately reported to the guardian or owner of the resort. The customer is obliged to compensate the damage caused directly to the guardian or owner of the resort. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas of the resort. The customer is liable to pay for the cleaning of the resort in the event that there is smoke in the resort's interior. When leaving, the resort must be left in a tidy condition.
The final cleaning ordered or the final cleaning included in the rental price of the resort does not include washing dishes and the export of garbage. All the walls, toilets, drawers and refrigerator must be clean from the tenant. In addition, the customer must collect empty bottles and cans away and put the furniture in its place. Bottles and cans can be left on the terrace packed in plastic bags
Comments and complaints
All comments and complaints relating to the resort must be addressed directly to the owner or guardian of the resort immediately upon their subject matter and during the booking process.
If the customer does not report the deficiencies he has found immediately during the rental period to the guardian or owner, the resort is considered to be in the condition in accordance with the contract. Deficiencies reported only after the rental period cannot be identified together and the lessee is not liable for compensation for them